Thursday 19 February 2009

Friends - Long Lost One

When ever we say FRIEND our mind instantly run over and try to collect the names of all the good friends we are in touch with. But how often do we think of those people who were our friends at some point of time.

These Friends may be those of our school days, or guys from our old neighbourhood, or from collage or from some other place. But they are all now Long Lost Friends.

The chain of friendship changes, it always does, it happened to me and and I guess it happens with everybbody. Its like when we are in school, we feel that, the entire class is my friend and we may neverloose them, but when we step out of school, we tend to make new friends in colleage and slowly down the line we stop thinking of the school friends and this cycle goes on and on. Same happens when we get into a job and keep switching them, we always have a big list of Long Lost Friends.

If we go through our memories we may definately find many moments of our life where we must have had fun, had fight, had done weird things with these friends but now still they are Long Lost Friends.

And in the long run, we are only left with few handfull of friends, whom we say they are our best buddies and try to forget our Long Lost Friends.

This post of mine I would dedicate to all my Neighbourhood friends, my School friends, my Junior colleage friends, my Engg friends and to all those friends who were part of my life at some moment but now who are my Long Lost Friends.........

1 comment:

  1. A touching topic and so as the blog...I am touched MAVERICK. Retrieving back my previous immature comments on your blog - ???.
    Good stuff keep posting.
